St. James A.M.E. Church has an exciting Youth Ministry consisting of the Young People's Department (YPD), The Youth Outreach Evangelistic Ministry, the Youth Choir, liturgical dance groups, Saturday Night Live, "Moments with the Youth", youth ushers, and the Christian Debutantes/Masters Commission (CDMC).
The Young People and Children’s Division serve under the Mary J. Sloan Women’s Missionary Society and includes youth ages 2 to 26. Its purpose is to make young people responsible and provide opportunities for leadership. The young people lead in worship on the fourth Sunday. The YPD program involves youth in A.M.E. training, mission work, special programs, and activities on all levels: Local, Area, Conference, District and Connection. Denise Carter is the YPD Director.
Youth Outreach Evangelistic Ministry
The Youth Outreach Evangelistic Ministry is dedicated to serving the youth of the church as well as in the community. Believing that all youth are capable of overcoming challenges and achieving success regardless of circumstances, this ministry offers tools and activities to inspire confidence and positivity. Denise Carter is the Director of the Youth Outreach Evangelistic Ministry.
The Youth Choir consists of youth of all ages coming together to glorify God through the singing of hymns and contemporary gospel songs. The choir meets twice each month and sometimes more to rehearse. Denise Carter directs the Youth Choir in rendering music every fourth Sunday.
From the preschool-aged Little Saints to teenagers and older in the Prophetic Dance Ministry, the youth at St. James participate in praise and worship teams to dance for the Lord. "Praise the Lord in timbre and dance." Psalm 150:7
As a result, young people learn to work with others as a team and work on their cognitive, social, and gross motor skills. The dancers meet twice a month and sometimes more. Denise Carter is the director of the liturgical dance ministry.
Saturday Night Live is a special event sponsored by the youth who along with invited guests from near and far provide a Saturday evening of fun and worship through song, dance, poetry, oration, and other talents.
During the morning worship services (except the first Sundays of the month) Bernadette Thompson delivers a "mini-sermon tailored specifically for the youth. The "mini-sermons" are timely, informative, often interactive, and always inspiring to the youth as well as the congregation.
The youth ushers of the church gain and apply in-depth knowledge about church etiquette and conduct and assist during morning worship services every 3rd Sunday and during special programs and events as requested.
The CDMC reinforces the work of Christian education by providing guidance and information for relevant study and activities for the youth. The CDMC helps introduce young people to Christian society, enhances their spiritual growth and day-to-day living, and celebrates their transition to adulthood. Genny Carter Vance is the chairperson of the CDMC.
The Young People and Children’s Division serve under the Mary J. Sloan Women’s Missionary Society and includes youth ages 2 to 26. Its purpose is to make young people responsible and provide opportunities for leadership. The young people lead in worship on the fourth Sunday. The YPD program involves youth in A.M.E. training, mission work, special programs, and activities on all levels: Local, Area, Conference, District and Connection. Denise Carter is the YPD Director.
Youth Outreach Evangelistic Ministry
The Youth Outreach Evangelistic Ministry is dedicated to serving the youth of the church as well as in the community. Believing that all youth are capable of overcoming challenges and achieving success regardless of circumstances, this ministry offers tools and activities to inspire confidence and positivity. Denise Carter is the Director of the Youth Outreach Evangelistic Ministry.
The Youth Choir consists of youth of all ages coming together to glorify God through the singing of hymns and contemporary gospel songs. The choir meets twice each month and sometimes more to rehearse. Denise Carter directs the Youth Choir in rendering music every fourth Sunday.
From the preschool-aged Little Saints to teenagers and older in the Prophetic Dance Ministry, the youth at St. James participate in praise and worship teams to dance for the Lord. "Praise the Lord in timbre and dance." Psalm 150:7
As a result, young people learn to work with others as a team and work on their cognitive, social, and gross motor skills. The dancers meet twice a month and sometimes more. Denise Carter is the director of the liturgical dance ministry.
Saturday Night Live is a special event sponsored by the youth who along with invited guests from near and far provide a Saturday evening of fun and worship through song, dance, poetry, oration, and other talents.
During the morning worship services (except the first Sundays of the month) Bernadette Thompson delivers a "mini-sermon tailored specifically for the youth. The "mini-sermons" are timely, informative, often interactive, and always inspiring to the youth as well as the congregation.
The youth ushers of the church gain and apply in-depth knowledge about church etiquette and conduct and assist during morning worship services every 3rd Sunday and during special programs and events as requested.
The CDMC reinforces the work of Christian education by providing guidance and information for relevant study and activities for the youth. The CDMC helps introduce young people to Christian society, enhances their spiritual growth and day-to-day living, and celebrates their transition to adulthood. Genny Carter Vance is the chairperson of the CDMC.